Ever since reading about this in an antique Davenports catalogue I have been fascinated by this high octane version of the Card to Wallet.
I wanted this effect for the launch of my one man show back in 2015, but found too many inconstancies in the methods available to be truly confident that it would work, when I NEEDED it to work, so I shelved it but never gave up.
This effect has been a journey, and I'm not quite done yet, but this had video to be posted for now. It's been next to impossible to track down Billy O'Connor's full method. Versions were ripped in the 50's and in recent years a number of dealers had their own versions, but each had pro's and cons and each had conditions that made it either impracticable or not quite as effective as it could be.
By Frankensteining pieces of various techniques and equipment our there and adding a new set up and load, I have finally found a way to make it work, not just as a trick, but as a stand out performance piece.
Footage from my recent Castle performance will be added later, one magician came back four times to try and catch the method, it's still pissing him off!
So sit back and take a look. I am so happy to finally say... it freakin works!