Simple, fast and undetectable... the perfect coin switch, should have all of these qualities, but even more important is the WHY? How does the switch FIT into the routines you are performing? THAT is what makes it invisible, and that is what we teach here.
Coin magic.
Coin magic can be quite frustrating to me. There seems to be a limited number of effects and most effects are overly similar AND I think it’s often hard to make fully entertaining routine out of a coin trick.
One theme in the world of coin magic that is super popular is a signed coin vanishing and appearing somewhere special. Coin to impossible location. Coin to wool, coin to orange, chocolate box, coin to inside the innermost envelope of three sealed envelopes that only seconds ago were a ripped up magazine cover… yep that exists, etc.
I was just reading ‘Professor Hoffman’s Magical Tidbits’ a book from over 100 years ago and, believe it or not, he has a FABULOUS ‘signed coin to between the layers of a chosen playing card’ routine that uses techniques many modern performers have recently claimed as original to them, its really amazing! I may address that routine on MOTG one day.
What I’m saying is, there’s hope!
To do the Hoffman effect and many other signed coin effects you need a KILLER coin switch, it HAS be undetectable, natural, motivated and fool proof under pressure. Enter the VCS, the Valentine coin switch.
A coin switch with purpose… (you’ll see what I mean when you watch the video :).
Practice well, use it always!