Before we jump in to bags, eggs, gaffs and routines, let’s ease into the subject by appreciating what has come before.
I have uncovered - all over the internet - some lovely and original routines, performances of top professionals that we need to study.
Their approaches are all unique and individual, yet they pretty much use the same props that we will be using. So you can see and understand that YOU have everything you need to do this too.
This section will be a little different, each video of mine here will introduce the performer, and then because I don’t own the footage, I’ll give you the link and send you off into the wilds of the internet to study the performance, THEN you can come back to our video here where I’ll offer observations and critiques and perhaps a little history and inspiration along the way.
IMPORTANT: The object of this Master-course is to build your OWN routine, we are not looking at these performers to copy their ideas. This is to show you what can be done with the simple prop at hand, and for you to feel confident that this will be worth your time.
When authors and screenwriters write a new book or movie they will often IMMERSE themselves within the genre, soaking up all that has come before. Stephen King always says the greatest writers are those who READ all the time, soaking up language and style, letting it all percolate inside your creative subconscious and inspiring original creativity to flow forth. As magicians we should be doing the same, studying, reading and most importantly SOAKING UP the work of others for inspiration.
Hence this playlist.
As we go on, various other performers will be added, a longer look at Ricky Dunn is on the way and more.
One last thing, we are at the mercy of the internet. These videos may not last. I’m not saying you should illegally download them for study... that would be wrong... but be sure to watch them all as much as you can and as soon as you can.
OK let’s start with the undisputed modern master of the Egg Bag, the late great Denny Haney. This is on Scott Alexander’s awesome YouTube account. Scott was a student of Denny and is helping keep his memory alive.
It’s all here, handling, audience control, verbal and situation comedy, smooth sleight of hand, clarity of effect - even down to the kicker ending. Watch the first part of my video then click this YouTube link :
Watch Denny perform and then come back and we’ll discuss. The Egg Bag starts at 3.15, but watch the whole thing, it’s worth it.
This is a great way to start this dive into Egg Bag.