Yep this one is gonna shock you.
It’s amazing how we take stuff for granted, take another look at this, you’ll be glad you did.
Nothing but clean visual magic. Continuing with Steve's obsession with the lost magic genius, Owen Clark, Steve gives proper credit where it’s due.
Describing the original device and what he believes to be Clark’s updated model. Adding coin sleights, vanishes and productions, this is not just a single trick but a mini act.
All of the variations revolve around the brilliant P.T Selbit's (the inventor of Sawing a Lady in Half) four coin routine that pushes the device to the max. Steve mashes thoughts, moves and techniques to craft a fast, visual, non stop four coin miracle that builds to a stunning climax…
Up Next in COIN MAGIC - 14 videos
An awesome bit of business guaranteed to get you attention!
A long time ago, a magician who called himself Satan had a glorious vanishing coin trick...
Yes it's a clean effect. A half dollar vanishes and reappears under very clean conditions... Steve also adapts the gimmick to create utilitarian device.